Applicable Certifications
The monitoring and control systems comply with the Control standards required by the Airport Lighting and Monitoring System (ALCMS) FMI 50/5345-568 L-890 AAS-IOO and specification for 1-821, panels for the control of airport lighting AC No .: 150/5345-3G L-821 and the Guide Procedure Manual for the control and monitoring system of visual aids prepared by Aerocivil, Code CSAN-3.2-6-03
The Runway Lighting Control System designed and developed by SKYTECH SAS, allows the control and monitoring of IOS visual aid systems for airports and heliports associated with runway edge circuits, threshold, touchdown, runway axis, taxiway, PAPI, rotating beacon, approach lights, flash, and unregulated systems among others such as power sources, alarms, sensors.
The control can be performed locally from the control tower or remotely from different positions.
Operation panel to control the different track lighting circuits and visual aids.
- International airport, Camilo Daza Cúcuta ALS system system L-821
- Airport Santiago Vila de Flandes Tolima system L-890
- Airport-el Caraño of Quibdó system L-890
- Heliport casa de Nariño system L-821
- Heliport Large Herd system L-821
- Heliport presidential Cartagena system 1-821
- Jose Maria Cordoba international airport. ALS system L-890,
The monitoring of variables, alarms and events is recorded in real time, which can be seen from the application at all operating sites.
Additionally, it allows monitoring and control of the visual aids installed throughout the aerodrome's operating area, the system has different security options through access codes for operators and programmers according to customer requirements, providing a high degree of security for the operations
THE system can be monitored from remote bases using different protocols
The system can be integrated additionally a wide variety of communication protocols such as Ethernet/ IP, TCP/IP, Modbus/TCP, Profibus, AS-I, among others, for the development and implementation of redundant networks as well as for the management interface as screens touch screen, which can be a standalone operation, monitors, dedicated, and different applications which allows it to be monitored in real time from any place in which the end-user application that best suits your needs.